Buchanan Companies and Community Step Up After Hurricane Helene Devastates North Carolina

Sign just outside of Marshall, North Carolina

After Hurricane Helene struck North Carolina on September 28, 2024, Buchanan Hauling & Rigging and Buchanan Logistics took immediate action, launching the “Fill the Truck” campaign. This initiative showcased the power of community collaboration and responsibility in driving positive change during challenging times.

Map of Hurricane Helene


On October 3, 2024, an employee's desire to support the hurricane victims in North Carolina led Buchanan Hauling & Rigging and Buchanan Logistics to start the “Fill the Truck” campaign. The ambitious goal: fill 20 semi-trucks with critical supplies. Inspired by the company’s relief work during Hurricane Katrina, founder Geary Buchanan challenged employees, local businesses, and residents of Northeast Indiana to rally together and make a difference.

Drawing from the company’s core values—Determination, Integrity, Safety, and Community—employees mobilized quickly. The campaign sought donations of non-perishable food, hygiene products, clothing, and other essential items to be delivered to areas in North Carolina hit hardest, including Asheville and Alexandria.


CFO David Francis talks with WOWO Radio 1190's Kayla Blakeslee
CFO David Francis talks with WOWO Radio 1190

Fort Wayne responded with overwhelming support. Businesses, radio stations, television networks, and individuals came together in remarkable ways to back the cause:

Even schools like Homestead and Central Noble joined the effort, serving as donation drop-off points to further extend the campaign’s reach.

Line of cars from the community donating to Buchanan campaign
Line of cars donating


Donations being unloaded at Buchanan Logistics for Fill the Truck campaign
Donations being unloaded

Momentum for the campaign grew rapidly:

  • By October 5, the first truck was packed and on its way to North Carolina, prompting Buchanan to add additional collection days over the weekend.
  • By October 9, seven trucks were filled, leading the company to extend collection efforts through October 18 as donations continued pouring in.
  • On October 11, the count reached 16 trucks, with more still being loaded.
  • By October 18, the campaign achieved its goal, successfully we were going to be able to fill all 20 trucks with vital supplies for hurricane relief.


In addition to the physical donations, the campaign received generous financial contributions. Buchanan employees' donations were matched by Owners, Geary and Becky Buchanan. Additionally, local businesses and community members contributed along with a GoFundMe campaign raised enough funds to help us hit our goal and fill the trucks with essential supplies.

One of the Buchanan trucks delivering aid to North Carolina after Helene
Buchanan truck delivering aid to North Carolina


The “Fill the Truck” campaign made a significant impact in North Carolina. Drivers Johnny and Crystal, who helped deliver some of the trucks, shared photos of the damage and ongoing recovery efforts, providing a firsthand glimpse into how the community’s contributions were making a difference.

In total, 20 fully loaded trucks will make the journey from Fort Wayne to North Carolina, delivering critical supplies to the areas in greatest need. With a good chance of a 21st load! The campaign demonstrated the power of teamwork and compassion in times of crisis.

Buchanan employees working on donations
Buchanan employees working on donations


The “Fill the Truck” campaign highlighted the generosity of the Fort Wayne community and the commitment of Buchanan Hauling & Rigging and Buchanan Logistics to support those in need. With the help of local residents, they made a meaningful impact on the lives of those affected by Hurricane Helene. As the final trucks reach their destinations, Buchanan celebrates the collective spirit that made this achievement possible.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated, volunteered, and spread the word. Together, we filled more than trucks—we filled hearts and provided essential aid to those in need.